Well, hello!
As I looked at the Drosera capillaris colony, I was first attracted by this yellow
Utricularia subulata flower, and then the Drosera intermedia
behind it.
The stipules on D. intermedia tend to be long, slender, and almost filamentary. These plants
checked out correctly.
Floating further downstream, we even found a small colony of Pinguicula primuliflora!
I liked this river!
Even so, the river was not without its tricks. After I took
these photographs, I discovered one of my paddling gloves was
missing. I quickly zipped downstream and picked it up in a quiet place where the river broadened. But
later in the day, when the same thing
happened to Beth, we never were able to find her missing glove.
We apologized to the river for our littering by pulling some trash (beer cans) out of the water.
After our kayak trip we returned to Eglin for a side-trip to another lake. It was really just a
reconnaissance visit, but we vowed to return some day----after only 30 minutes, we found
S. rosea, S. psittacina, S. leucophylla, D. intermedia, D. tracyi, D. capillaris, U. subulata,
U. purpurea, and U. floridana. No doubt other species, such as
S. rubra subsp. gulfensis lurked there, too.
Our next stop was Alabama, where our friends Brian Barnes and Keith Tassin were to meet us at Splinter Hill Bog.
That nature preserve is famous for having the finest remaining Sarracenia leucophylla
bogs left in the world.
Perhaps you'll be interested in reading more about that?