The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Western Australia in 2007

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More Drosera gibsonii:
The plants were uniform in appearance, and perhaps are all clonal. However, I really don't see much variation within most pygmy species except for flower color in taxa such as D. pulchella.

Here are more plants on the laterite, although I was hampered by depth of field issues.

At the time of our visit, this sundew did not yet have a name. Phill had written a manuscript for the plant which had been accepted for publication, but it had not yet seen print. Phill was anxiously awaiting publication. As it turned out, shortly after Beth and I returned to the USA, Phill emailed us with the good news that his paper had been published, and this plant--in honor of Dr. Robert Gibson--was officially named.

For a peek at Dr. Gibson himself, you can refer to my New South Wales field trip report!

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Revised: December 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005