The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Sarracenia alata with a lagniappe, 2005

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Photographed against the low sun, these leaves are very pretty, don't you think?

This site had both S. alata and S. psittacina, but we found neither hybrids nor pink-flowered plants. It was an odd contrast with the previous site, that had pink-flowered S. alata but no S. psittacina.

Here's another view of a different plant, not quite as nice, but that shows you more signs of a previous burn.

While Beth and I enjoyed chattering, proposing theories and counter-theories about the things we were seeing (Beth always having to disagree with everything I suggested, no matter how sensible or self-evident), what we saw next shut us both up, other than a repeated, "Wow...Wow...Oh my...Wow...Oh man..."

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Revised: October 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005