The next morning Beth woke up in a caffeine-deprived fury. She needed coffee, but
I had low hopes that she would get the desired beverage in suitable quality. I gently pointed out that
Wiggins was not a big mark on the map, and a laté house was an unlikely find, but she was determined. But like
a mother penguin finding her chick, she unerringly navigated us to
an excellent little eatery called something like the "Sister's Kuntry Cafe," with
exceptionally drinkable brew. The food was good too, and the servings were so absurdly big
we felt as if we had magically shrunk 30% overnight.
The "small" pancakes were manufactured to precisely match the diameter of our dinner plates,
and were proportionally generous
in the vertical dimension. I can only speculate what the "large" pancakes were like. The food server told me
that one of their regular customers comes in with a perpetual challenge of eating two large pancakes, and has never
yet succeeded. The bill? Four bucks each. (Did I mention the saucers of grits that came with the meals?)
Breakfast complete and caffeine bloodstream
levels up the appropriate 20-30 ppm, we said goodbye to our newly met Kuntry Cafe
friends, admired some martins and
redheaded woodpeckers foraging around our car, and then headed off to our day's destination--the very heart of
Sarracenia alata territory.
I was all a-quiver!