The Carnivorous Plant FAQ Field Trip Report -

Okefenokee and Doerun Georgia in 2003.

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Something I wished to capture while I was at Okefenokee was the nature of how the giant Sarracenia minor plants grow. All too often, photographs of this species show a lovely, multipitchered, single plant. It gives the impression that the plant grows in well separated clumps. Oh no, not at all the truth! Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis really likes to grow at the interface of shrubs and open water, and so lines the edges of many parts of the canoe trails in long patches, like hedge rows.

It would be interesting to travel off the trails and see how the plants grow in the open flats. However, straying from the canoe trails is prohibited.

These clumps of plants lining the canoe path are not clones, by the way. Although you cannot see it on this scan, the plants in this picture include a number of different color morphs.

Another photograph from this area, that is not quite as good but still worth a quick peek, is on line here.

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Revised: October 2007
©Barry Rice, 2005