Barry Rice

- doing science on a terrestrial planet -


Remote Sensing
For about a dozen years, I detoured my career into conservation, working as an invasive species scientist for The Nature Conservancy. But imagine my surprise and pleasure when I found myself researching multiband and hyperspectral imaging platforms. Instead of using these telescopes for astronomical photometry or spectroscopy, the detectors are pointed at the ground! Ultimately, I wrote a highly regarded summary on remote sensing for biological monitoring.

I have reproduced the remote sensing here for you, although it was originally on the TNC site.

My research contributions
A summary of some of my graduate and post-graduate work done at the University of Arizona.

Astronomical publication list
My interests in astronomy were more towards instruction than they were towards research, so my list of astronomical publications never got very large while I was in graduate school. Alas, post-graduation, the demands of my career in biodiversity conservation overwhelmed my efforts to publish chapters of my dissertation---so they forever remained in the world of distributed, but unpublished grey literature.

June 2010