As you can see, Drosera rotundifolia was also present in large numbers. This is one of the few photographs from
the site that I am really pleased with, and it was taken using my big pvc pipe and shower curtain diffuser.
This was a challenging place to take
photographs for a number of reasons. First, it was glaringly bright. Second, there was a lot of wind so my big diffuser
hood was hard to set up (it kept getting blown around like a giant box kite).
Third, the soil was very soft and mucky, and I was very concerned
that walking around among the plants would disturb the soil structure. Because of this last concern I
explored the site by staying in the lake up to my waist as much as possible--always an exciting thing when you
are carrying expensive camera gear and are discovering muck holes as you go.
Even so, after a short time at the site I felt that area was too sensitive to stay longer, so we packed up our
gear and left for our next destination.
(I took this photograph from the pond, in water about 45cm deep.)