Q: Where is the ICPS homepage?
ItalyDrosera pygmaea,
AustraliaDrosera stenopetala,
New ZealandSarracenia,
The ICPS is the International Carnivorous Plant Society, a truly
international society.
Members are around the world. The ICPS is a must-join society
if you are interested in carnivorous plants, whether you are a
scientist, conservation activist, horticulturist, or fan of the botanically bizarre.
In case you have not found it yet, the International Carnivorous Plant
Society does have a home page where you
can learn about joining the society and begin getting its journal,
Carnivorous Plant Newsletter (referred to as CPN).
I was the founding member of the ICPS conservation program and the Director of Conservation from about 2000 to 2008; also I was
managing editor for CPN 1997-2008, working with famous carnivorous plant scientist Jan Schlauer.
Page citations: Personal observation.