The Carnivorous Plant FAQ v. 12

Q: Where are good botanical gardens with carnivorous plants?

Sarracenia hybrid
Sarracenia hybrid

Nepenthes gymnamphora
A: If you go plunging into some random boggy wetland to find carnivorous plants, you are unlikely to be very successful. Carnivorous plants are rare. On the other hand, botanical gardens love having carnivorous plants on their properties---it increases visitation from schools and the general public. Ergo, the easiest way to see carnivorous plants is to just visit botanical gardens.

Alas, most gardens are horrifyingly bad at growing carnivorous plants, ironically repeating the same mistakes that beginning growers perform---the plants are usually relegated to shady, underlit corners as if they were ferns. The result is that the plants are light-starved, floppy, and dying from fungus. I swear, it gives me a headache to look at their plants. Somebody please give the staffers the url for this FAQ!

But there are some botanical gardens which are gems and care for their carnivorous holdings with great skill. I have a list of them in the FAQ library. I have only visited a small number of these gardens, so I cannot promise anything about the quality of the plants. But if you have the time, by all means visit them. And then report back to me with news: barry(at)

But before contacting me, remember--I'm looking for really good gardens or displays--not just a spot with a dozen plants on show.

Page citations: Personal observation.

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Revised: 2018
©Barry Rice, 2018