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Enterprise Boots
You rarely see them on screen, but the boots on Enterprise were very distinctive, with a ribbed wrap-around strap above the ankle that hides the zipper on the inner side of the boots, while keeping exposed the zipper on the outer side of the boots...yes, there are two zippers on each boot. Here are a few photos of screen-used boots. (If you have better photos of screen used boots, please send them to me!)
There really aren't any commercially available boots that are even close to this. Most folks just opt for nondescript black boots, which is understandable since the boots are so rarely seen, anyway!
It appears likely that the boots were Alfani brand, the model called Rocket, although the inside of the boot is incorrectly labelled Alfani Rocked. These boots were modified for production by adding the strange ribbed wrap-arounds on the ankles:

There is one source I found--motorcowboy.com--that sells "Enterprise Boots,", and they're pretty pricey, at about $500 as I write this in 2022. They look good, although the boots are not as boxy as they should be, the leather appears to be a bit too glossy, and finally the soles do not flare out as much as they should (see below).

Poking around the web, I discovered a specialist shoemaker that was advertising Enterprise style boots on Amazon.com (under the name Heaven Leather). This was largely an unknown quantity, for me, but I decided to risk the purchase. I didn't do any work on contributing to these in terms of customization, I just ordered them.
I do admit I was a little surprised when I got my first tracking notice for the boots, when I discovered that the boots were being shipped to me from Islamabad, Pakistan! Incidentally, Barismil.com also has an Etsy shop--look for LeatherDistrict.
Despite the international nature of the transaction (which is most easily paid for via Paypal once you contact Barismil.com), the boots were finished within a few weeks and then shipped immediately. They arrived in perfect shape, very nicely packaged, and even came in nice protective fabric bags!
As far as I can tell, they are pretty close to spot on. The shape of the boots is much better than the MotorCowboy boots--they are very boxy, and not rounded. The leather is also a much softer finish, as it should be. The only inaccuracy is that the soles aren't perfect--they don't flare out as much as they could. Otherwise the boots are wonderful. They are full leather construction, with nicely placed zippers. Indeed, once I was confident with the quality of the boots, I bought a pair for my wife, as well.

Here are Beth and I, on a planet for a holiday card shoot. We're wearing the boots with Anovos jumpsuits, hats, and pips.

In final wrap-up, if you want to complete your Enterprise-era look, these boots are a great choice. The boots are probably a bit north of $300.