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TNG boots
I'll be the first to admit that I'm pretty casual about the appearance of my TNG shoes. Indeed, the shoes that I use when I wear my TNG uniforms to work are just plain, black, lace-up dress shoes.Shocking.
Oh, and by "TNG," I really mean the whole TNG era, including DS9 and VOY.
I've read that the shoes commonly used on set were Eclause boots by Delli Aldo. These are fairly unadorned black boots with a zip on the inside. Here is an image for the Eclause boots.

On the other hand, the shoes below are supposedly from an auction for screen-used goods. Notice they have a flexible fabric band on both outer and inner surfaces, which are not reflected in the Eclause boots.

It has been noted that in various situations, other shoes were used as well...if you have photos of screen-used boots, do show them. (By the way...be careful about trusting boots that might be used with uniforms at artifact displays at conventions...I've seen "incorrect" boots used in those settings.)
Bear in mind that the TNG/DS9/VOY uniforms all had pants that came down quite low over the boots, so you can't see much of what's going on. That's one reason I'm ok with wearing laced shoes with my unis...they look fine. That said, you'll see I have a single style of boot that I wear for both my TNG era uniforms and my Monster Maroon.
TWOK boots
In his manual on the Monster Maroon uniform, David Pipgrass indicates that the boots of choice for this uniform are roper style boots by Florsheim--his favorite models are the Duke, followed by Midtown and Essex. The Dukes are shown below.

I was thinking about ordering some Florsheims, when I happened to encounter a pair of Stacy Adams boots called "Santos." These look quite good to my eye, and live in a middle ground so they work well with both my TNG era and TWOK uniforms.

With a Monster Maroon, the pants are tucked into the boots, so I'm planning on carefully removing the boot pulls on these at some point, but it's not really necessary since they're hidden under the bloused bottoms of the pants.
Below left, I'm wearing an Anovos standard Monster Maroon and the Stacy Adams Santos boots. The belt and buckle are by Scott Nakada. The undershirt is by Edna Singleton.
Below right, I'm wearing a TNG science tunic crafted by Lindsay Kruzykowski. The pants (and here invisible pips) are Anovos, and the badge is QMx.