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DKNY Rebels (ST: 2009)
There are countless starfleet uniforms in the Kelvin movies, because in addition to the officers, there were various cadets as well as many other background actors. The main, hero boots for the men were DKNY Rebels, which is what I focus on here. I have additional information on some of the other Starfleet footwear, and especially for Star Trek Into Darkness, where the footwear exploded even further, especially for the background actors--to see what I have for that, find the "Other Worlds" option in my navigation bar, above.The ST2009 hero boots for men--DKNY Rebels--were black, with a buckle near the top, some characteristic stitching, and a zipper on the inner side. The boots were also customized for the movie with an additional strip of leather that was attached to cover the zipper.
After years of looking, I was supremely gratified to find a pair for sale, in my size. The leather was extremely dry, but with careful conditioning I returned the leather into good shape. Furthermore, I found an expert boot-repair artisan that I could trust, and he added the strip of leather to cover the zipper!
Boot overviews...

Stitching details...

Buckle details...

Note that the leather strip to cover the zipper has a very slight width increase near the top of the boot.

Finally, of course, the weird soles--What is this, about insisting on such weird soles for Star Trek boots???

And the completed ensemble from a PropStore auction image, and me and the missus at a Trek convention. We're wearing Anovos tops and Quantum Mechanix badges. I've also got an Anovos undershirt and pants. Both pairs of boots are DKNY.

If you're looking for boots for your ST2009 uniforms, and you're unable to get the original DKNY Rebels, what can you do?
Well, here's an option.
After searching unsuccessfully for DKNYs for years, I decided my chances for getting any were pretty much nil (little did I suspect my eventual luck!). So, in desperation I turned to the expert boot-makers at Barismil.com (see my page on Enterprise boots to read more about them). I sent them detailed instructions on the height of the boots, the nature of the hidden zipper, and detailed guidance of the zipper patterns, based on genuine boots I had inspected...

A few months, and a chunk of change later, I got this excellent pair of boots! They look great--except of course for the unmatchable soles. I call these my DKNY-nots. These boots cost about $450. I know this is a crazy project, but if commissioning these boots is the worst habit I picked up during a few long years of Covid quarantine, I'm probably doing ok.
The only criticism I have of these boots is that the leather is too shiny, and the leather should be more supple, as I since learned. However, the boots look great, and even though I'm not using them for Trek (now that I have my Rebels), they're great for other costumes, like steampunk.
A few detail photos are below. In the bottom image, I'm wearing the boots with Anovos pants, shirt, undershirt, and Quantum Mechanix badge.